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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Bringing the Flow into the Chakras


The power of the breath and the focused mind can work wonders.  Working with the  elements of breath and mind does take practice but once mastered the sky is the limit.  Above is a ten minute video I put together a couple of years ago explaining how one can use the power of breath and focus to expand consciousness: 

I hope you enjoy it.

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Power of Imagination

By using your imagination you can go beyond concepts and laws and allow yourself to view what may be, can be, or actually be.  The power of imagination is its ability to give you access to higher visions derived from the divine self.  Don't be afraid to use it, but use it wisely.

See if you can imagine a hole in the middle of your chest into which you can breathe.  As you take in a deep, slow breath, imagine energy going directly into your heart and spreading throughout the inside of your body, down to your legs, out into your arms and up into your head.  As you breathe out, imagine pushing stale, used energy out the bottoms of your feet, out your finger tips and out the top of your head.

You can use this process of breathing and imagination to circulate new, fresh energy into your body and old, stale energy out.  Use this technique to refresh the energy in your body and mind.  It is also good for creating calmness, equanimity, serenity, peacefulness, and stability within and without.  

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Moving Shakti Through Your Body

"Many people use the word Zen, but very few understand what it really means.  Zen sees the whole universe as one's own true self.  It says that heaven, earth, and man grew from the same root and everything in this world is interrelated." Nyogen Senzaki

Seems like a plausible notion, that we are all made of the same stuff: space and cosmic particles.  Suns, planets, organs, tissues, earth, air, fire, water, and even thoughts - all made of the same stuff? What an ingenious idea.

The following exercise will allow you to feel your connection to everything in the universe by letting all of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions ride on waves of inspiration and expiration:

Stand with your feet flat on the earth.  Raise your arms above your head and stretch.  Take a slow, deep breath in and visualize pulling energy from the earth up your legs and into your belly.  As you breathe out visualize energy flowing with your breath up your arms and out your finger tips.  Continue this breathing/visualizing exercise for five or six breaths.  Focus on energy moving in one direction.

When you are through with the exercise you may notice how your body feels much lighter and your mind expanded.  You may feel parts of your body tingling with new, fresh energy.  

This exercise opens the body and mind more each time you practice it.  This is an experience of opening the body like a big hollow tube with earth's energy passing through like wind through a tunnel.  It is a very liberating experience, one that allows energy and all of the particles in your body to unite with energy and particles of the universe.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Moving with Flow

The practice of moving with flow is energizing, liberating, therapeutic and even a spiritual experience.  It is one thing to breathe with the rhythm of the body, as in walking; running and biking, but another to guide the shakti (energy) with the mind and the breath.

Practices such as feng shui, tai chi, yoga, and acupuncture use the art and science of moving energy (shakti - Hindu; chi - Chinese) through the body for different reasons. These practices are becoming more and more popular in the Western World because of their effectiveness.

To experience the flow of energy simple inhale during concentric movements and exhale during eccentric movements while directing the flow with your mind.  For example, pull one arm into your chest (concentric) as you inhale and extend your arm above your head (eccentric)  as you exhale.  Do this movement a few times visualizing pulling energy into your chest while breathing in with the concentric movement and moving energy up your arm as you breathe out. 

You can retain energy in your body and circulate it from one part of your body to another or you can move energy through your body.  Some people like to retain energy in their body while others prefer moving energy through it.  Both practices have their benefits.  Try both and discover your own preference.

On the next post you will learn how to move shakti through your body. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Healing Flow of Shakti

Directing a flow of healing energy into an ailing part of your body is possible and quite doable.  If you have a headache, joint pain, injury or any other problem with your body you can direct shakti (energy) into that area to help heal it.

This does not mean that you should overlook other forms of healing such as medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, etc.  By all means use anything at your disposal that might help heal your body.  The healing power of pranayama is just one of many solutions available. 

As stated in the last post, energy can be directed into your body with the power of your mind and breath.  For example, if you want to bring energy into your shoulder, concentrate and focus bringing your breath into that area of your body.  As you breathe in visualize energy flowing into your shoulder like a river flowing over, in, and through an impedance.  Hold your breath momentarily and visualize energy circulating in that area.  When you breathe out visualize toxins, pain, and wastes flowing out of every pore and cell of your shoulder.

Do not let your thoughts waver.  Be focused and breathe slowly concentrating on every breath.  Lead the breath into that part of your body you want healed. Do this for at least twenty minutes. In the beginning this is best done while lying down with no distractions.  After twenty or thirty minutes you should feel relief from whatever was bothering you   Once you get use to the technique you can practice it while walking. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Flow

It doesn't make any difference if you are lying in bed, in a wheel chair, or standing, you can move energy through your body and begin healing whatever is ailing you.  If you can breathe and focus your mind you can do it.

By using your mind to direct your breath you can move shakti ( energy) into and through any part of your body.  Where the mind goes, the breath will follow and where the breath goes, shakti will follow. Directing the flow of energy by using the breath is called pranayama.  Check this out for correct pronunciation -  ( http://www.pronouncehow.com/english/pranayama_pronunciation).  Pranayama literally means controlling the life force;  Prana - "life force," yama - "to control."

For example, while either lying down, sitting or standing, breathe in and visualize pulling energy (shakti) from earth into your feet, up your legs, into your belly and into your chest.  And as you breathe out visualize shakti (energy) flowing up your torso, into your neck and out the top of your head. You have just experienced the movement of shakti through your body using your mind and breath.  This is an ability we all have but few know about it and many fail to utilize it.

Pranayama flows new energy into your body while flushing out the old, stale energy. Your body, your breath and your thoughts are energy.  You are a package of energy, standing on a large ball of energy (earth), surrounded by energy (atmosphere).  How you utilize all of this energy is up to you.  You can either be stagnant energy or you can be flowing energy. 

More on pranayama in the next post.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Many Facets of Mindfulness

Once you are mindful of all that is, there is no going back.  There is only going forward.  You cannot turn back because your consciousness has expanded and the only thing it can do is to continue expanding.

Finite pieces of mindfulness become one infinite awareness.  There really is no end to awareness - it is total and absolute.     

"It just is and it ain't no is-er."  Rural American Zen

Friday, May 3, 2013

Never Go Unnoticed

"Every wakeful step, every mindful act is the direct path to awakening. Wherever you go, there you are." - Buddha

Think of yourself as being in the center and having your attention drawn in two opposite directions: mindfulness and asleep.  The practice of being mindful is active and that of being asleep is passive.  It takes intention and self remembering to be actively engaged in mindfulness.

The mind wanders from everything contained in memory - desires, regrets, guilt, pleasure, images.  The wandering mind holds back intention and self remembering until it lets go due to the power of the Self.

Never let yourself go unnoticed by the Self that is always present.  The presence of Self is pure consciousness which is always aware of self.  But the veil of he mind obscures the view.  To sweep away the veil requires active energy, not of the mind but of pure awareness.